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React.js: Understand and Apply the Lifecycle
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Concept of components in React

Components are the foundation of React. They allow for the creation of user interfaces in a modular and reusable manner.

Each component is an independent piece of the interface that, when combined with other components, forms the complete application.

Why Use Components?

Components facilitate code maintenance and evolution. When the application grows, we can manage each part in isolation.

This makes development more organized and efficient. Additionally, components can be reused in different parts of the project, reducing code repetition.

How Does a Component Work?

A component in React is a function or class that returns a piece of the interface, usually written in JSX (JavaScript XML). Let’s see a simple example of a component that displays a greeting:

import React from 'react';

function Greeting() {
  return <h1>Hello, World!</h1>;

export default Greeting;

In the example above, Greeting is a functional component. It returns an <h1> element with the text “Hello, World!”. This component can be used anywhere in the application.

Structure of a Component

The basic structure of a React component includes:

  1. Importing React: To use the React library.
  2. Defining the Component: It can be a function or a class.
  3. Returning the Interface: Using JSX to describe what should be displayed on the screen.
  4. Exporting the Component: So that it can be used in other files.

Let’s detail each part of the example:

  1. Importing React: import React from 'react'; This line imports the React library so we can use its functionalities.
  2. Defining the Component: function Greeting() { Here, we define a functional component called Greeting.
  3. Returning the Interface: return <h1>Hello, World!</h1>; The component returns a JSX element. This JSX will be converted to HTML and displayed on the screen.
  4. Exporting the Component: export default Greeting; This line allows the Greeting component to be imported and used in other files.

Advantages of Components

  1. Reusability: We can create a component once and use it in multiple places.
  2. Modularity: Each component can be developed and tested independently.
  3. Ease of Maintenance: Changes in one component do not directly affect other parts of the application.


Components are fundamental in development with React. They help create user interfaces in a modular, reusable, and efficient manner.

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