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React.js: Understand and Apply the Lifecycle
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Implementation of a practical project: from planning to execution

In this topic, we will learn how to develop a practical project in React, going through the stages from planning to final execution.

Project Selection

First, choose a project suitable for your skill level and interests. It could be a simple to-do list app or a product catalog.

Initial Planning

Before starting to code, make a basic plan. List the main features your project should have. For example, if it’s a to-do list app, you’ll need functionalities like adding, removing, and marking tasks as complete.

Project Structure

Organize your React project clearly. Create reusable components for common parts of the app. Here’s an example of an initial structure:

├── public/
│   └── index.html
└── src/
    ├── components/
    │   ├── TodoList.js
    │   ├── TodoItem.js
    │   └── AddTodoForm.js
    ├── App.js
    └── index.js

Iterative Development

Develop your project in small increments. Start with basic functionality and add features one by one. For instance, begin with displaying the task list and then add the ability to add new tasks.

Testing and Validation

Test your project as you progress. Make sure each new feature works as expected. Use browser developer tools to debug any issues.

Conclusion of Implementation

After completing the basic implementation of the project, review your code to ensure it’s clean and well-structured. This will facilitate future updates and maintenance.

With these steps, you’ll be ready to develop and finalize your own practical project in React, applying everything you’ve learned during the course.

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