Mastering the Media: Complete HTML Course
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Operation of the audio element

The <audio> element in HTML offers various essential functionalities for the inclusion and playback of audio files on a web page.

Let’s delve into some aspects of its operation so that you can use it more effectively.

3.2.1 “controls” Attribute: Playback Controls

By adding the controls attribute to the <audio> element, you provide users with visual controls, such as play, pause, and volume adjustment buttons.

These elements facilitate the visitor’s interaction with the audio, allowing them to control playback according to their preferences.

3.2.2 Alternative Audio Specification with the <source> Element

Within the <audio> element, you can use the <source> element to specify different audio file formats. This is useful because different browsers support different types of formats.

The browser will choose the first format it recognizes and supports. This ensures a broader playback experience, covering various devices and platforms.

3.3.3 Text between <audio> Tags: Browser Compatibility

The text inserted between the <audio> tags provides an alternative message that will be displayed in browsers that do not support the <audio> element.

This is crucial to ensure a consistent experience for all users, even those using older or less conventional browsers.

By understanding these aspects of the <audio> element’s operation, you will be better prepared to create interactive and accessible web pages, enriching the user experience with controllable audio elements compatible with various online environments.

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