Master React.js: Components for Modern Web
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File Organization Patterns

In React, organizing files is crucial to keeping the project clear and accessible. A common practice is to group related components into separate folders.

For example, we can have a “components” folder containing all reusable components, and a “pages” folder for the main application pages.

This makes it easier to locate files and improves code maintenance.

Another useful technique is to consistently name files. For example, we can use the PascalCase naming convention for components and camelCase for auxiliary files, such as utilities or hooks.

This helps quickly identify the file type and its purpose within the project.

Additionally, it’s important to maintain a hierarchical and intuitive folder structure. For example, we can have subfolders within “components” for different categories of components, such as “UI” for UI components and “utils” for common utilities.

By following these file organization patterns, it becomes easier for the team to collaborate on the project development, as everyone has a clear understanding of the code structure.

This also facilitates the integration of new team members, as they can quickly orient themselves in the project structure.

// Example of file organization in a React project

|-- components/
|   |-- Button/
|   |   |-- Button.js
|   |   |-- Button.css
|   |-- Input/
|   |   |-- Input.js
|   |   |-- Input.css
|-- pages/
|   |-- Home/
|   |   |-- Home.js
|   |   |-- Home.css
|   |-- About/
|   |   |-- About.js
|   |   |-- About.css
|-- utils/
|   |-- api.js
|   |-- helpers.js

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