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JavaScript Course for Beginners: Fundamentals and Practice
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Concept of Objects in JavaScript

Welcome to the second lesson of Module 5! In this journey, you will unravel the fascinating world of objects in JavaScript, powerful data structures that allow you to organize and manipulate information more efficiently and intuitively.

Get ready to learn how to create, access, and modify object properties, as well as explore methods to accomplish complex tasks with greater ease.

Object Declaration

The declaration of objects in JavaScript is a way to create complex structures to represent real-world entities or concepts in code.

In simple terms, an object is like a box that can store different pieces of information.

Imagine you are creating an object to represent a car. The car object can have various characteristics such as color, model, year, and manufacturer.

To declare this object in JavaScript, you use the curly braces {} syntax.

Inside the braces, you define the object properties, which are like specific variables for that object. Each property consists of a name and a value, separated by a colon (:). For example:

let car = {
  color: 'blue',
  model: 'sedan',
  year: 2022,
  manufacturer: 'Toyota'

In this example, we declared an object named “car” with four properties: color, model, year, and manufacturer.

Color is a string (‘blue’), model is a string (‘sedan’), year is a number (2022), and manufacturer is a string (‘Toyota’).

These properties can be accessed using dot notation (car.color) or bracket notation (car[‘color’]).

This allows you to read or update the values of the object properties.

Object declaration is a powerful way to structure and organize data in JavaScript.

With it, you can create custom objects to represent anything you desire.

Properties and Methods

When working with objects in JavaScript, it’s important to understand the concepts of properties and methods.

These elements are crucial for dynamically manipulating and interacting with objects.

We can think of an object as an entity that has characteristics (properties) and behaviors (methods). To illustrate this idea, let’s imagine a dog object.

The properties of the dog object can include information such as name, age, and breed.

These properties describe specific characteristics of the dog. For example:

let dog = {
  name: 'Rex',
  age: 3,
  breed: 'Labrador'

In the example above, the dog object has three properties: name, age, and breed. Each property has a name and an associated value.

On the other hand, methods represent the actions that an object can perform. In the case of the dog, we can think of methods like bark and play.

These methods describe specific behaviors of the dog. For example:

let dog = {
  name: 'Rex',
  age: 3,
  breed: 'Labrador',
  bark: function() {
  play: function() {
    console.log('The dog is playing.');

In this example, we added two methods to the dog object: bark and play.

Each method is a function associated with the object that can be invoked to perform a specific action.

To use the properties and methods of an object, we use dot notation. For example, to access the name property of the dog object, we use

And to call the bark method, we use dog.bark(). Let’s delve into this in more detail in the next topic.

In summary, properties are the characteristics of an object, while methods are the actions that the object can perform. These concepts allow us to create complex objects and interact with them efficiently and dynamically.

Accessing Properties

When working with objects in JavaScript, we need to know how to access their properties. Accessing a property means getting its value to use or modify it.

We can do this using dot notation or bracket notation. Let’s use the analogy used above:

Imagine an object called car. This object has properties such as brand, model, and year. We can think of these properties as parts of a car.

For example, the brand property is like the brand of the car, the model property is like the model of the car, and so on.

Dot notation is similar to opening the car hood and grabbing the parts directly. For example:

let car = {
  brand: 'Toyota',
  model: 'Corolla',
  year: 2020

console.log(car.brand); // 'Toyota'
console.log(car.model); // 'Corolla'
console.log(car.year); // 2020

In this example, we used dot notation to access the brand, model, and year properties of the car object.

Each time we use, we get the corresponding value.

On the other hand, bracket notation is like asking someone to get the car parts for us. For example:

let car = {
  brand: 'Toyota',
  model: 'Corolla',
  year: 2020

console.log(car['brand']); // 'Toyota'
console.log(car['model']); // 'Corolla'
console.log(car['year']); // 2020

In this case, we used bracket notation and passed the property name as a string inside the brackets (car[property]). This way, we can also access the object’s properties.

The choice between dot notation and bracket notation depends on the context and the needs of your code. Both forms are valid and can be used according to the situation.

In summary, to access the properties of an object, we can use dot notation or bracket notation.

Dot notation is like opening the hood and grabbing the parts directly, while bracket notation is like asking someone to fetch the parts for us.

Global Object

The global object is a special object in JavaScript that is available in all code contexts.

We can think of it as a warehouse where we store things that can be used anywhere in our program.

We can make an analogy with a supermarket to better understand.

Imagine that the global object is like the main aisle of the supermarket, where we find products available to all customers.

These products are like the properties and methods that we can access in the global object.

There are several useful properties and methods in the global object, such as console, setTimeout, and Math.

The console is like the customer service desk of the supermarket, where we can log messages and debug our code.

setTimeout is like a timer that we can use to schedule the execution of a task in the future. Math is like a calculator that provides predefined mathematical functions.

When we need to use these functionalities in our code, we can access them directly through the global object.

For example, we can use console.log() to display messages in the console, setTimeout() to schedule a function to be executed after a certain time, and so on.

It is important to note that although the global object is accessible anywhere in the code, it is recommended to use it sparingly and avoid polluting the global scope.

It is a good practice to encapsulate our code in functions and modules to avoid conflicts with other parts of the program.

In summary, the global object in JavaScript is like a supermarket where we find useful properties and methods that can be accessed anywhere in our code.

Just like the main aisle of a supermarket, it provides access to common functionalities that we can use in our programs.

Predefined Objects

Predefined objects in JavaScript are objects that come integrated with the language, ready to be

used. They provide useful functionalities for common tasks.

Think of these objects as “tools” that are available to be used in your code.

For example, one of the most common predefined objects is the Math object (mentioned earlier).

It contains properties and methods related to mathematical operations, such as square root calculations, number rounding, and random number generation.

We can access these Math object features to perform mathematical calculations in our programs.

Another predefined object is the Date object, which allows us to work with dates and times.

It has methods to get the current date, set custom dates, extract information such as day, month, and year, and perform date manipulation operations.

In addition to these, there are many other predefined objects in JavaScript, such as the String object for string manipulation, the Array object for working with arrays, and the RegExp object for handling regular expressions.

Just as a toolbox contains various different tools for different tasks, predefined objects in JavaScript provide specific functionalities to help perform different tasks in our programs.

As you become more familiar with the language, you will learn to use these predefined objects efficiently to solve problems and develop more robust applications.


Create a JavaScript script that creates an object to represent a car, with properties such as brand, model, year, and plate.

Add a method to the object that displays the car information.

Use the method to display the car information on the screen.


  • Objects are powerful tools for organizing and manipulating complex data.
  • Use the correct syntax to create, access, and modify objects and their methods.
  • Explore the various features of objects to optimize your programs.
  • Always test your code to ensure it works as expected.

After learning about object declaration, properties and methods, accessing properties, the global object, and predefined objects in JavaScript, we are ready to dive even deeper into the world of objects.

In the next lesson, we will explore object properties and methods in more detail.

Get ready to deepen your knowledge of objects in JavaScript and discover the full potential they offer for application development.

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