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JavaScript Course for Beginners: Fundamentals and Practice
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Comments and Coding Best Practices

Congratulations on reaching the final lesson of the module! In this last stage, we will cover two important topics to enhance your JavaScript code: comments and coding best practices.

What you will learn:

Comments: How to add comments to your code to make it more readable and explanatory.

Best Practices: Tips and suggestions for writing more efficient, organized, and professional code.


Comments are like notes you add to your recipes, explaining steps, tips, or important observations.

In JavaScript, you can use comments in two ways: single-line comments, preceded by “//”, and block comments, enclosed by “/” and “/”.

Example of a single-line comment:

// This is a single-line comment explaining the next step

Example of a block comment:

This is a block comment

Explains a larger section of the code or provides additional information

Coding Best Practices

Following coding best practices is like organizing your kitchen so that everything is in the right place, making it easier to prepare your recipes.

  • Variable Naming: Use descriptive names for your variables, such as “age” or “fullName,” making it easy to understand their purpose.
  • Indentation: Indent your code properly, aligning code blocks for better readability.
  • Clarity and Simplicity: Write clear and concise code, breaking down complex tasks into smaller and reusable steps.
  • Meaningful Comments: Add comments to explain important parts of the code, making it more understandable for you and other developers.
  • Avoid Repetition: Look for opportunities to reuse code whenever possible, creating functions or using loops to avoid unnecessary repetitions.


  1. Open the JavaScript script you created in the previous lesson.
  2. Add comments to the code to explain what each part does.
  3. Review the code and apply the coding best practices learned in this lesson.
  4. Test the code again to ensure it works correctly.

Remember, following these best practices will help you create more organized, readable, and maintainable code.

Congratulations on completing the introductory Module 0 to JavaScript! You have gained the basic knowledge to start your journey in web development.

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