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Immersion in React: Comprehensive Course for Beginners
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Creating and Handling Forms

In the previous topic, we learned about the importance of keys when rendering lists in React.

Today, we’ll learn about how to create and handle forms in React.

What are Forms?

Forms are elements that allow users to interact with an interface and provide data. In React, we can create forms using various methods, such as:

  • Form Components: The form component is a fundamental component for creating forms in React.
  • Input Components: We can use various input components to collect data from users, such as input, select, textarea, etc.
  • Third-party Libraries: There are several third-party libraries that facilitate form creation and manipulation in React, such as React-Hook-Form and Formik.

Creating a Simple Form

Let’s see an example of how to create a simple form in React:

const App = () => {
  const [name, setName] = React.useState("");

  const handleSubmit = (event) => {
    alert(`Hello, ${name}!`);

  return (
      <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
        <label htmlFor="name">Name:</label>
          onChange={(event) => setName(}
        <button type="submit">Submit</button>

In this example, the App component creates a simple form with a text field to enter the name.

The form uses the form component and the input component. The input component uses the name state to store the value entered by the user. The handleSubmit function is called when the form is submitted.

The handleSubmit function displays an alert with the name entered by the user.

Handling Forms

We can handle forms in React in various ways, such as:

  • Accessing Field Values: We can access the values of form fields using the object.
  • Validating Field Values: We can use various techniques to validate the values of form fields, such as data type validation, length validation, and content validation.
  • Sending Data to the Server: We can send the data collected in a form to the server using various techniques, such as HTTP POST.

Important Notes

When creating and handling forms, it’s important to:

  • Use the form component: The form component is fundamental for creating forms in React.
  • Use the appropriate input components: We should choose the input components according to the type of data we want to collect.
  • Validate field values: It’s important to validate the values of fields to ensure that the collected data is valid.
  • Send data to the server: We should send the data collected in a form to the server securely.


Creating and handling forms is an essential skill for creating interactive and dynamic interfaces in React.

In the next module, we’ll learn about data entry validation in forms. We’ll learn how to use various techniques to validate the values of form fields.

Hope you’re excited to learn more about data entry validation in forms in React! Keep studying until then!

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