HTML Forms: Total Domination
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This type of input provides an interesting way to turn an image into a submit button in web forms.

By using the , developers can embed an image directly into the form, assigning the image the function of a submit button.

This adds an attractive visual element to user interactions, replacing the traditional submit button with a clickable image.

The path to the image that will be displayed as the button is specified in the src attribute. This image can be any supported image file, such as a JPEG, PNG, or GIF file.

The choice of the image may be related to the form’s purpose or the aesthetic design of the page.

This approach is particularly useful when developers want to customize the appearance of the submit button, making it more visually appealing.

Furthermore, the ability to use an image as a button can enhance the usability and aesthetics of forms in various contexts.

By incorporating image input fields, developers have the opportunity to integrate visually interactive elements into their forms, making the user experience more engaging.

Understanding the image input type allows for greater flexibility in the design and interactivity of web forms.

See the example:

<input type="image" src="img_submit.gif" alt="Submit" width="48" height="48">
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