HTML Forms: Total Domination
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Let’s explore the <textarea> element, a fundamental tool for creating expandable text fields in HTML forms.

This element differs from simple text fields as it allows users to input information across multiple lines, providing a more flexible text entry experience.

The <textarea> element is used to define a text area where users can input information across multiple lines.

This is particularly useful in situations where users are expected to provide comments, messages, or other more extensive information.

<textarea name="message" rows="10" cols="30">
The cat was playing in the garden.

To customize the visual appearance of the text area, you can adjust the visible number of lines using the “rows” attribute.

This attribute determines how many lines will be initially displayed in the text area, providing a visual indication of the available space for the user.

Additionally, the “cols” attribute is used to specify the visible width of the text area, i.e., how many characters will be displayed per line. This allows you to control the width of the text area and tailor it to the specific needs of the form.

It’s important to note that, in addition to these attributes, the appearance and behavior of the text area can also be customized using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), a style language that allows you to control the design and presentation of HTML elements.

<textarea name="message" style="width:200px; height:600px;">
The cat was playing in the garden.

By understanding the role of the <textarea> element and its attributes, novice developers gain the ability to create more versatile and adaptable forms, providing users with an effective way to input extensive information in a clear and organized manner.

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