HTML Forms: Total Domination

Categorias: HTML EN
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Sobre o curso

This comprehensive HTML Forms course provides a solid and practical introduction to web form development. From the fundamental elements, such as <form> and <input>, to specific attributes and input types, participants will explore in detail how to create interactive and user-friendly forms. With a variety of topics, from basic structure to advanced attributes, students will be empowered to create efficient and responsive HTML forms.

O que você aprenderá?

  • You will learn the fundamental concepts of HTML forms, from the use of the 'form' element to details like 'input', text areas, and buttons. The importance of the 'name' attribute for inputs will be explored.
  • Explore the essential attributes for customizing forms, including 'action', 'targe't, 'method', 'autocomplete', and 'novalidate'.
  • Dig into form elements, from 'input' and 'label' to advanced elements like 'datalist' and 'output'.
  • Discover the various types of 'input' available, covering text, password, date, images, and more.
  • Focus on the specific attributes of 'input' for customization, such as 'value', 'readonly', 'size', 'maxlength', and others, providing precise control over the user interaction with HTML forms.

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