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Using v-bind for Attribute Binding

Hello, students! Welcome to Lesson 2 of Vue.js Directives. Today, we will learn about the v-bind directive and how to use it to bind data from your application to the DOM.

What is the v-bind Directive?

The v-bind directive allows you to bind data from your application to DOM attributes. It is one of the most common directives in Vue.js.

How to Use the v-bind Directive?

The basic syntax of the v-bind directive is as follows:

<element v-bind:attribute="value">


  • element is the element you want to bind the attribute to.
  • attribute is the name of the attribute you want to bind.
  • value is the value you want to bind to the attribute.


Let’s see an example of how to use the v-bind directive to bind the name property of an object to the title attribute of an h1 element.

<h1 v-bind:title="name">Hello, world!</h1>

In the above example, the value of the name property of the object will be bound to the title attribute of the h1 element.

Other Examples

Let’s see some other examples of using the v-bind directive:

  • Binding the color property of an object to the style attribute of a div element to change the border color of the div:
<div v-bind:style="{ borderColor: color }">
  • Binding the active property of an object to the disabled attribute of a button element to enable or disable the button:
<button v-bind:disabled="!active">Click here</button>

JavaScript Expressions in the v-bind Directive

You can use JavaScript expressions in the v-bind directive to bind dynamic values to DOM attributes.

For example, let’s see an example of using the v-bind directive to bind the current time value to the title attribute of an h1 element:

<h1 v-bind:title="new Date().toLocaleString()">Hello, world!</h1>

In the above example, the current time value will be bound to the title attribute of the h1 element.


The v-bind directive is a powerful tool that can be used to bind data from your application to DOM attributes.

It is one of the most common directives in Vue.js and is essential to learn when using Vue.js.


Here’s a challenge for you:

  • Create a Vue.js application that displays the user’s name and age.
  • Use the v-bind directive to bind the user’s name and age to the title and content of an h1 element.

Good luck!

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