Complete Vue.js Course: Mastering from Basic to Advanced
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Understanding Computed Properties

Hello, students! Welcome to Lesson 1 of Computed Properties in Vue.js. Today, we will learn about computed properties.

Computed properties are a way to calculate properties dynamically.

For example, you can use a computed property to calculate the size of text or the distance between two points.

How Computed Properties Work

Computed properties are created using the keyword computed.

The syntax for creating a computed property is as follows:

computed: {
  property: function() {
    // code to calculate the property


  • property is the name of the computed property.
  • function() is the function that calculates the computed property.

The function that calculates the computed property is executed whenever the computed property is accessed.

Advantages of Computed Properties

Computed properties offer several advantages, including:

  • Efficiency: Computed properties are more efficient than properties directly bound to data.
  • Reusability: Computed properties can be reused in different components.
  • Organization: Computed properties can help organize code.

Examples of Computed Properties

Here are some examples of computed properties:

computed: {
  textSize: function() {
    return this.text.length;
  distance: function() {
    return this.point1.x - this.point2.x;

In the example above, the textSize property calculates the size of the text from the text property. The distance property calculates the distance between the point1 and point2 points.


Computed properties are a powerful tool that can be used to calculate properties dynamically.

By learning how to use computed properties, you can create more efficient, reusable, and organized Vue.js applications.


Here’s a challenge for you:

  • Create a component that displays the size of text. Use a computed property to calculate the size of the text.

Good luck!


You can use the computed property textSize from the previous example to calculate the size of the text.

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