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Applying Styles Dynamically with Vue.js

Hello, students! Welcome to Lesson 1 of Binding CSS Styles in Vue.js. Today, we will learn how to apply CSS styles dynamically with Vue.js.

Vue.js applications can use CSS to style their components. However, often it is necessary to apply styles dynamically, depending on the application’s state.

For example, you might want to apply a different style to an element if it’s selected or if the user is scrolling down the page.

In this lesson, we will learn to apply styles dynamically using the v-bind directive.

Applying Styles Using v-bind

The v-bind directive allows you to bind data from a component to CSS properties.

The syntax for applying styles using v-bind is as follows:

<element v-bind:style="value">


  • element is the element to which you want to apply the style.
  • style is the name of the CSS property you want to bind.
  • value is the value you want to bind to the CSS property.


<div v-bind:style="{ color: color }">
  This text is <strong>blue</strong>.

In the example above, the text inside the div element will be blue if the color property of the component is set to blue.

Using Expressions in v-bind

You can also use expressions in v-bind to bind dynamic data to CSS properties.


<div v-bind:style="{ color: color }">
  This text is <strong>{{ color }}</strong>.

In the example above, the text inside the div element will be colored the same as the color property of the component.

Applying Styles to Classes

You can also use v-bind to apply styles to classes.


<div v-bind:class="{ active: isActive }">
  This text is <strong>active</strong> if the `isActive` property of the component is set to `true`.

In the example above, the active class will be added to the div element if the isActive property of the component is set to true.


Applying styles dynamically with Vue.js is a powerful way to customize your applications.

By learning to use v-bind to apply styles dynamically, you can create applications that are more responsive and interactive.


Here’s a challenge for you:

  • Create an application that displays a list of items. Each item should have a different color depending on its status.

Good luck!


You can use the v-bind directive to bind the color property of each item to its status property.

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