Beyond Static: CSS Animation
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Peer review of projects

When we reach the stage of project review by colleagues, it is crucial to maintain a clear and collaborative approach to ensure the joint success of the project.

Peer review plays an essential role in identifying potential improvements, error corrections, and overall validation of code quality.

Purpose of the Review

The primary purpose of peer project review is to ensure that the produced code meets established standards, is understandable, and efficient.

This practice not only enhances the quality of the code but also promotes knowledge exchange among team members.

Collaborative Approach

During the review, we adopt a collaborative approach, encouraging colleagues to express their opinions constructively.

This fosters an environment of mutual learning and contributes to the team’s continuous growth.

Use of Transition Words

To ensure effective communication during the review, it is essential to use transition words. For example, when pointing out improvement suggestions, we can start with expressions like “Furthermore” or “An alternative would be.”

This makes the recommendations clearer and easier to follow.

Practical Example

Consider the following code snippet:

# Original code
def calculate_media(numbers):
    sum = 0
    for num in numbers:
        sum += num
    media = soma / len(numbers)
    return media

During the review, a colleague might suggest an improvement as follows:

# Suggested code
def calculate_media(numbers):
    if not numbers:
        return 0  # Avoid division by zero
    return sum(numbers) / len(numbers)

Avoiding Passive Voice

When providing feedback, it is advisable to use an active voice to make suggestions more direct and understandable. For example, instead of saying “It can be considered…,” we can say “Consider…”.

Always remembering that the goal is to collaborate for mutual growth, reviewing projects by peers is a valuable opportunity to enhance our skills, promote consistency in code, and ensure that we deliver high-quality products.

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