Beyond Static: CSS Animation
Sobre a Aula

Best practices for CSS animations

When creating CSS animations, it’s crucial to follow efficient practices to ensure optimal performance. Avoid excessive use of animated properties, prioritizing simple transformations.

Utilize hardware acceleration whenever possible to maximize browser efficiency.

Prefer specific animation properties, such as transform and opacity, to reduce performance impact. Avoid complex animations on heavy elements, prioritizing user experience fluidity.

Additionally, group similar animations into a single block to optimize the process.

Example code:

/* Avoid: */
div {
  transition: all 1s;

/* Prefer: */
div {
  transition: transform 0.5s, opacity 0.5s;

Use efficient color palettes and avoid large images, preferring optimized formats. Remember to adjust the timing of animations as needed, maintaining a smooth and responsive experience for the user.

These practices ensure attractive and effective animations without compromising page performance.

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