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Advanced React: Props and State
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Learning Assessment Test

To ensure that you have assimilated this knowledge, here are some questions about the course content that will help you solidify what you have learned.

Let’s get to work. And have fun!


Question 1: Why is React important?

  • A) For its JavaScript-based approach.
  • B) For its ability to create user interfaces (UI) quickly and efficiently.
  • C) For its exclusive use on servers.
  • D) For its integration with popular programming languages.

Question 2: What is the main benefit of using components in React?

  • A) Greater code complexity.
  • B) Ease of code maintenance.
  • C) Decreased code reuse.
  • D) Increased code repetition.

Question 3: What is the difference between functional and class components in React?

  • A) Functional components cannot return JSX.
  • B) Class components do not have access to state.
  • C) Class components are simpler and recommended for most cases.
  • D) Functional components are JavaScript functions and return JSX.

Question 4: Why is JSX a powerful tool in React?

  • A) For its unique ability to integrate HTML with JavaScript.
  • B) For its ability to protect against code injection.
  • C) For its combination of the simplicity of HTML with the flexibility of JavaScript.
  • D) Due to its incompatibility with JavaScript expressions.

Question 5: Why use Props in React?

  • A) To make the code more complex.
  • B) To create non-reusable components.
  • C) To make the relationship between components clear.
  • D) To hide information between components.

Questão 6: O que são Props em React?

  • A) Funções JavaScript.
  • B) Dados mutáveis.
  • C) Argumentos passados para componentes React.
  • D) Métodos de ciclo de vida.

Question 7: How to pass Props from a parent component to a child in React?

  • A) Through global props.
  • B) Defining props in the child and accessing them in the parent.
  • C) Using the state of the parent component.
  • D) Through rendering methods.

Question 8: What is the purpose of Prop-Types in React?

  • A) Validate and ensure the consistency of the data passed to the components.
  • B) Add styles to components.
  • C) Control the internal state of the components.
  • D) Define the structure of the DOM.

Question 9: What is the main difference between Props and State in React?

  • A) Props allows components to maintain and manage data internally.
  • B) State is passed from parent to child, while Props is managed within the component itself.
  • C) Props is used to store data that may change over time.
  • D) State allows communication between distant components in the hierarchy.

Question 10: What is the function of the setState method in React?

  • A) Define the initial state of a component.
  • B) Update the state of a component reactively.
  • C) Render the component according to changes in props.
  • D) Initialize the component statQuestion 11: What is recommended to do when updating state in React?e with default values.

Question 11: What is recommended to do when updating state in React?

  • A) Modify the state directly, without using setState.
  • B) Use setState only for static data.
  • C) Group related state updates into separate setState calls.
  • D) Avoid using functions in setState for updates based on the previous state.

Question 12: What is the best practice for cleaning up resources like timers when unmounting a component in React?

  • A) Use clearInterval in the componentDidMount method.
  • B) Do not clean up resources when disassembling a component to avoid performance problems.
  • C) Clear resources in componentWillUnmount method.
  • D) Use setState to reset resources before dismantling the component.

Question 13: How is data passed from a parent component to a child component in React?

  • A) Through specific life cycle methods.
  • B) Directly using the state of the parent component.
  • C) Through props.
  • D) Via Redux or Context API.

Question 14: What is the role of State in a React component?

  • A) Manage immutable data.
  • B) Update props dynamically.
  • C) Store data that may change.
  • D) Control the rendering of child components.

Question 15: How can we update the state of a parent component based on changes in props coming from a child component?

  • A) Using parent component lifecycle methods.
  • B) Directly modifying the props in the parent component.
  • C) Through the useEffect hook.
  • D) Passing a function to the child component that updates the state of the parent component.

Question 16: What is an advanced strategy for sharing data between sibling or distant components in the hierarchy in React?

  • A) Pass props through multiple component levels.
  • B) Use a global state manager, such as Redux.
  • C) Directly modify the state of a parent component.
  • D) Use the React context API.

Question 17: How does the parent component pass data to the child component in the given example?

  • A) Through life cycle methods
  • B) Using the state survey technique
  • C) Via props
  • D) Using the useMemo hook

Question 18: Which technique is recommended to avoid unnecessary rendering of components?

  • A) Use the state survey technique
  • B) Adopt the use of PropTypes
  • C) Implement the shouldComponentUpdate function
  • D) Split component logic into smaller components

Question 19: How can you handle the need to update the state of a component based on changes to its props?

  • A) Using the state survey technique
  • B) Adopting the use of PropTypes
  • C) Using the useMemo hook
  • D) Using advanced methods such as componentDidUpdate

Question 20: What is the recommendation to ensure data immutability when dealing with complex props?

  • A) Use the Immutable.js library or destructuring techniques
  • B) Adopt the use of PropTypes
  • C) Implement the shouldComponentUpdate function
  • D) Use the useMemo hook

Test Answer Key

I believe you learned all the content, and the result was exceptional. However, you can check your correct answers in the answer key below:


Question 1: Why is React important?

  • Answer: B) For its ability to create user interfaces (UI) quickly and efficiently.

Question 2: What is the main benefit of using components in React?

  • Answer: B) Ease of code maintenance.

Question 3: What is the difference between functional and class components in React?

  • Answer: D) Functional components are JavaScript functions and return JSX.

Question 4: Why is JSX a powerful tool in React?

  • Answer: C) Because of its combination of the simplicity of HTML with the flexibility of JavaScript.

Question 5: Why use Props in React?

  • Answer: C) To make the relationship between components clear.

Question 6: What are Props in React?

  • Answer: C) Arguments passed to React components.

Question 7: How do you pass Props from a parent component to a child component in React?

  • Answer: B) Defining props in the child and accessing them in the parent.

Question 8: What is the purpose of Prop-Types in React?

  • Answer: A) Validate and ensure the consistency of data passed to components.

Question 9: What is the main difference between Props and State in React?

  • Answer: B) State is managed within the component itself.

Question 10: What is the function of the setState method in React?

  • Answer: B) Update the state of a component reactively.

Question 11: What is recommended when updating the state in React?

  • Answer: C) Group related state updates into separate setState calls.

Question 12: What is the recommended practice for cleaning up resources like timers when unmounting a component in React?

  • Answer: C) Clean up resources in the componentWillUnmount method.

Question 13: How are data passed from a parent component to a child component in React?

  • Answer: C) Through props.

Question 14: What is the function of State in a React component?

  • Answer: C) Store data that can change.

Question 15: How can we update the state of a parent component based on changes in props from a child component?

  • Answer: D) Passing a function to the child component that updates the parent’s state.

Question 16: What is an advanced strategy for sharing data between sibling or distant components in the hierarchy in React?

  • Answer: D) Using the React Context API.

Question 17: How does the parent component pass data to the child component in the given example?

  • Answer: C) Via props.

Question 18: What technique is recommended to avoid unnecessary component re-rendering?

  • Answer: C) Implement the shouldComponentUpdate function.

Question 19: How can you handle the need to update a component’s state based on changes in its props?

  • Answer: D) Using advanced methods such as componentDidUpdate.

Question 20: What is the recommendation to ensure data immutability when dealing with complex props?

  • Answer: A) Use the Immutable.js library or destructuring techniques.

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