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React.js: Understand and Apply the Lifecycle
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Learning Test

To ensure you have assimilated this knowledge, here are some questions about the course content that will help you reinforce what you have learned.

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  1. What is the benefit of dividing an application into reusable components?
    • A) Reduce loading time
    • B) Facilitate project maintenance and scalability
    • C) Increase memory usage
    • D) Improve graphical quality
  2. Which naming convention is recommended for React component files?
    • A) snake_case
    • B) kebab-case
    • C) PascalCase
    • D) upper_case
  3. Which tool can be used to set up the development environment in React?
    • A) Babel
    • B) Webpack
    • C) Gulp
    • D) Grunt
  4. What is the purpose of ES6 imports in React?
    • A) Improve performance
    • B) Modularize code
    • C) Reduce file size
    • D) Create global variables
  5. Reusable components are:
    • A) Large UI units that can be used once
    • B) Small UI units that can be used multiple times
    • C) Functions that do not return JSX
    • D) Only for use in large projects
  6. What is one of the benefits of component reusability?
    • A) Increases code duplication
    • B) Reduces development time
    • C) Complicates maintenance
    • D) Improves graphical performance
  7. What is component composition?
    • A) Breaking down large components into smaller ones
    • B) Combining smaller components to create complex UIs
    • C) Moving JS code to CSS
    • D) Using only class components
  8. Which hook is used to manage local state in functional components?
    • A) useEffect
    • B) useReducer
    • C) useContext
    • D) useState
  9. What is the main advantage of using the Context API in React?
    • A) Improves rendering performance
    • B) Shares state between components
    • C) Reduces bundle size
    • D) Facilitates DOM manipulation
  10. When should local state be used instead of global state?
    • A) When the state is specific to a component
    • B) When the state needs to be accessed by multiple components
    • C) To store environment configurations
    • D) To store server data
  11. What are boundary components?
    • A) Components that encapsulate and manage errors
    • B) Components that manage global state
    • C) Components responsible for rendering lists
    • D) Components that control navigation
  12. Which lifecycle method is used to capture and handle errors in React components?
    • A) componentWillMount
    • B) componentDidUpdate
    • C) componentDidCatch
    • D) componentWillReceiveProps
  13. What is the purpose of the fetch method in JavaScript?
    • A) Manipulate the DOM
    • B) Make HTTP requests
    • C) Manage state
    • D) Create components
  14. Which library is commonly used for unit testing in React?
    • A) Mocha
    • B) Jest
    • C) Jasmine
    • D) QUnit
  15. What is the goal of integration testing?
    • A) Verify isolated parts of the code
    • B) Verify interaction between various parts of the system
    • C) Test application performance
    • D) Test component styles
  16. Which tool can be used to visualize the hierarchy of components, states, and props in React?
    • A) Redux DevTools
    • B) React Developer Tools
    • C) Vue DevTools
    • D) Angular DevTools
  17. What is memoization in React?
    • A) The technique of breaking down large components into smaller ones
    • B) The technique of avoiding repeated calculations
    • C) The practice of using classes instead of functions
    • D) The technique of creating dynamic components
  18. What is lazy loading in React?
    • A) Loading components synchronously
    • B) Loading components and data asynchronously
    • C) Avoiding component loading
    • D) Loading components only on the server
  19. What is the importance of collecting feedback in React projects?
    • A) Improve user experience
    • B) Reduce development time
    • C) Increase memory usage
    • D) Avoid using components
  20. What is an effective method for collecting user feedback?
    • A) Analyzing usage metrics
    • B) Ignoring user comments
    • C) Removing functionalities
    • D) Using only unit tests

Answer key

I believe that you have learned all the content and the result was exceptional. However, you can check your correct answers in the answer key below:


  1. What is the benefit of dividing an application into reusable components?
    • Answer: B
  2. Which naming convention is recommended for React component files?
    • Answer: C
  3. Which tool can be used to set up the development environment in React?
    • Answer: B
  4. What is the purpose of ES6 imports in React?
    • Answer: B
  5. Reusable components are:
    • Answer: B
  6. What is one of the benefits of component reusability?
    • Answer: B
  7. What is component composition?
    • Answer: B
  8. Which hook is used to manage local state in functional components?
    • Answer: D
  9. What is the main advantage of using the Context API in React?
    • Answer: B
  10. When should local state be used instead of global state?
    • Answer: A
  11. What are boundary components?
    • Answer: A
  12. Which lifecycle method is used to capture and handle errors in React components?
    • Answer: C
  13. What is the purpose of the fetch method in JavaScript?
    • Answer: B
  14. Which library is commonly used for unit testing in React?
    • Answer: B
  15. What is the goal of integration testing?
    • Answer: B
  16. Which tool can be used to visualize the hierarchy of components, states, and props in React?
    • Answer: B
  17. What is memoization in React?
    • Answer: B
  18. What is lazy loading in React?
    • Answer: B
  19. What is the importance of collecting feedback in React projects?
    • Answer: A
  20. What is an effective method for collecting user feedback?
    • Answer: A
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