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React.js: Understand and Apply the Lifecycle
Sobre a Aula

Reusable components and composition

Reusable components are fundamental building blocks in React. They enable creating complex UIs by breaking them down into smaller parts, each with its own responsibility.

What are Reusable Components?

Reusable components are small units of UI that can be used multiple times in different parts of your application. They encapsulate specific functionalities and are easy to maintain and update.

Benefits of Reuse

Reusing components saves time and effort. You write the code once and can use it in various parts of the application. This promotes consistency and reduces code duplication.

Component Composition

Composition is the principle of building larger components from smaller ones. You can group components to create complex hierarchies of UIs. Here’s a simple example:

function Button(props) {
  return <button className={props.className}>{props.label}</button>;

function App() {
  return (
      <Button className="primary" label="Submit" />
      <Button className="secondary" label="Cancel" />

In this example, Button is a reusable component that can be configured with different classes and labels, used in various parts of the application within the App component.

Separating Responsibilities

By dividing your UI into smaller, reusable components, you facilitate maintenance and development. Each component can focus on a single functionality, improving code readability and scalability.


Using reusable components and the composition technique is essential for building efficient and scalable React applications.

By breaking down your UI into small, cohesive components, you gain in code reuse, maintenance, and organization. Practice creating and combining components to build complex interfaces clearly and effectively.

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